Both Robert Lucas, a Nobel Prize winner from the University of Chicago, and Robert Barro of Harvard debunk the power of the multiplier effect, and decry the burden borrowing imposes on future growth. 诺贝尔奖获得者、芝加哥大学的罗伯特•卢卡斯和哈佛大学(Harvard)的罗伯特•巴若均对乘数效应的有效性进行了批判,并强烈谴责借贷对未来增长造成的负担。
For example, if new outlays rise by$ 1 trillion, and the multiplier effect is 1.2 and advocates, including the administration, swear the multiple is over 1 GDP will jump by an extra$ 1.2 trillion. 例如,如果支出新增加1万亿美元,而乘数效应为1.2这一理论的拥护者,包括政府部门都信誓旦旦地表示乘数超过1GDP将额外增加1.2万亿美元。
Not all that money and jobs come directly from the shale oil industry or even the energy industry as a whole but instead derive from the multiplier effect the industry has on local economies. 这些GDP和就业机会并非直接由页岩油行业创造,甚至不是整个能源行业,而是该行业给地方经济带来的乘数效应所产生的。
The experimental results and mechanism are analyzed and the pulsed electric field can cause the plant to have the NAI launch multiplier effect. 通过实验结果说明了脉冲电场可以使植物产生NAI发射的倍增效应,分析了其产生的机理。
In addition to the immediate multiplier effect of research spending, the intellectual property created by publicly funded research leads to the creation of innumerable small companies and, ultimately, many large companies in biotechnology, energy, computer technology and other scientific and engineering fields. 除了研究支出的直接乘数效应,源自公共资助研究项目的知识产权,缔造了生物科技、能源、计算机技术及其它理工领域的无数中小企业,许多这类企业最终发展成大型企业。
However, the expected multiplier effect from pump-priming did not materialize. 然而所预期刺激经济的市政投资此倍数效果并未实现。
The effort expended in identifying hazards will have a multiplier effect on the impact of the total operational risk management process. 所以在危险識别上所做的努力,对于整个作业风险管理程序将有事半功倍的影响力。
As a hotel name is the core of this hotel location, hotel a good name to give publicity to bring a multiplier effect, how the hotel is named for? 作为一家酒店,名字就是这家酒店的核心定位,一个好的名字能给酒店的宣传带来事半功倍的效果,酒店是怎么起名的呢?
Analysis on Reasons for Chestnut Low Yield in Ludian County and Measures for Increasing Production and Productivity multiplier effect 鲁甸县板栗低产成因分析及增产增效途径增加投资所产生的效果
This programme would ensure a rational rather than a political investment in infrastructure, and provide long-term infrastructure development on a major scale with a maximum multiplier effect on the economy. 这项计划将确保对基础设施进行理性、而非政治性的投资,并促进基础设施长期大规模发展,获得最大的经济倍数效应。
We think this will have a multiplier effect and that ultimately it's going to pay off, it's going to turn this around, it's going to break the hard edge of this recession. 我们相信这会产生乘法效应,并最终会获得成功,会扭转局面,会打破经济不景气的局面。
Industry consultants use a multiplier effect of at least four when calculating carmakers 'impact on related businesses. 在测算汽车制造商对相关业务的影响时,行业咨询专家使用了至少为4倍的乘数效应。
Shah said this structure has a multiplier effect that supports the distribution of vaccines to areas where it has been difficult in the past. 沙阿说,这种机制的结构有一个倍增器的效果,能够支持将疫苗分送到过去难以送达的地区。
Moreover, malnutrition among children has a multiplier effect, accounting for more than a third of the disease burden of children under age five. 此外,儿童营养不良具有乘数效应。目前,营养不良儿童人数占五岁以下儿童患病人数的三分之一以上。
Multiplier effect is the phenomena of follow-up chain-reaction ca used by original interaction happens among objects. 乘数效应是指由于对象之间的相互作用使得初始反应引发后续连锁性反应的现象。
Multiplier effect of pulsed electric field-mediated plant negative air ion launched and its significance 脉冲电场介导的植物空气负离子发射的倍增效应及其意义
If teachers purposefully and flexibly apply them to classroom, they will increase the fun of teaching, cover the shortage of textbooks, do well edutainment and have a multiplier effect. 教师在课堂上有目的、有针对性地矫捷运用它们,将会增添教学的趣味性,填补教材不足,真正做到“寓教于乐”,收到事半功倍的下场。
The synergy or media multiplier effect for all three media combined increased brand awareness to 47 percent. 这三个媒体的协作或媒介乘法效应使总的认知度提高到了47%。
But the government realises the multiplier effect of the sector on the rest of the economy. 不过政府已经意识到,房地产部门对经济其它部门具有乘数效应。
The latest evidence is that in a downturn the multiplier effect of fiscal tightening can lead to deeper recession, making it even harder to cut the deficit. 最新迹象表明,在经济低迷时期,财政紧缩的乘数效应会加深经济衰退,进而更难以削减财政赤字。
As incomes rise in China, demand increases for meat and dairy products-which has a multiplier effect on demand for feed grains such as corn and soy. 随着中国收入的增长,对肉类和奶制品的需求有所上升&这对玉米和大豆等饲料的需求产生了倍乘效应。
Third: deploy the public sector to invigorate local economies by maximising the multiplier effect of public services. 第三:尽可能扩大公共服务的倍乘效应,利用公共部门提振地方经济。
Things can always find out the law, and control things, so as to achieve a multiplier effect. 总能找出规律性的东西,并驾驭事物,从而达到事半功倍的效果。
Many shale-producing states aside from the US will want to emulate that multiplier effect, either to keep manufacturing at home or to encourage its transfer to their economies which will further reinforce European deindustrialisation. 除美国之外的很多页岩气生产国打算复制这种乘数效应,从而将制造业留在本国,或将别国制造业吸引至本国经济中,这会进一步加剧欧洲的去工业化。
But, as massive amount of financial products are backed by property value, the multiplier effect from the property price decline is at the center of economic and financial turmoil. 由于大量的金融产品是由房地产价格支撑的,因此,房地产价格下跌带来的乘数效应是经济和金融动荡的主要原因。
The central banks should focus on price stability, not financial market stability, and should provide liquidity only to contain the multiplier effect of the bubble bursting on the economy. 各国央行应该专注于价格稳定,而不是金融市场的稳定,而且,提供流动性的目的应该仅限于为了遏制泡沫破裂对经济造成的乘数效应(multipliereffect)。
Choosing simple, effective method of sample preparation can be a multiplier effect. 选择简洁、有效的样品处理方法,可以得到事半功倍的效果。
On the socio-economic development and opening to the outside world has a strong guiding role and the multiplier effect. 对社会经济发展和对外开放具有很强的引导作用和乘数效应。
Therefore, to promote pro-social behavior at this stage may have a multiplier effect. 因此在这个阶段对亲社会行为进行促进,可能会得到事半功倍的效果。
Reduction in exports, reduce the national income through a multiplier effect. 出口的减少,通过乘数效应降低了国民收入。